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What Does A Notary Do?

Why You Need A Notary There are all kinds of reasons why someone might need a notary service! You might need a deed to a home, have a will finalized, or need to transfer a car title after selling it. The list goes on and on. A notary performs different types of services- which is why it’s important to pick a trusted notary that will ensure that your documents are protected, and signed, legally.
Not Your Average Notary We tell people being a notary signing agent is like being a therapist: we listen, we learn, and we get to help people understand their problems.
IT’S Simple Sharon Notary 2018
IT’S Simple Sharon Notary
A notary is a person of integrity that serves witness to signatures on documents in order to prevent fraud. A notary takes an oath to affirm the truthfulness of the content in a document. A notary is able to confirm that the individual appearing before you is who he or she claims to be and that the signature on record is the signature of the individual before you